Saturday, March 29, 2014

Used KRL from Jakarta to Bekasi ,,feel so pleasant as a city transportation choice

ramzi's photographys | KRL in  jakarta | Used elctrical train as a transportation tool in jakarta inner ring or ke to tanggerang ,bogor ,depok or bekasi. In fact that used of KRL transportation is good enough ini when we decided to traveling in a sunday or holiday time . In the others day especially at morning or in the afternoon moment almost the users of this mode transportation is peak volume and crowded .

By a ticket that price about .7.000 IRD we can reach of bekasi train station without any trouble like jump or crowded in the jakarta road.


  1. yang difoto itu stasiun gondangdia ya??

    1. Selamat siang ya...terimakasih sudah walking ke blog saya...di foto itu stasiun cikini....saat kami mau jalan ke bekasi yang pertama kali menggunakan kereta api...tq kami juga sudah lihat blog anda , mantaap banget lanjutkan kata pak sby...
